Family Story Finder

The sweep of family history across the generations

Family History Machine is reborn in 2020
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Machinist Dan Ruby and his team members envision a new future for Family History Machine

Green Valley Drive—our exurban childhood
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Our years in Pittsburgh were spent in a tract house in a natural wonderland—backed up against a family farm and an equestrian estate.

Joan and Ruby
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Joan’s second marriage to Rueben Meyers brought her great happiness.

Mössbauer man—Stan makes his mark in physics
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Stan's innovations in Mossbauer spectroscopy.

Our Brenner cousins
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Janis, Leslie and Amy grew up—each a star in her own way.

Stan at Brant Lake
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Stan summered at a Jewish summer camp in the Adirondacks.

The corkscrew on eBay—sourcing family artifacts
  • 1938 - 1939

Out of the files of the U.S. Patent Office and into the peculiar subculture of corkscrew collectors