Apr 26, 2021

Maybe some body text.

oral history

First read of the Margot Dränger Holocaust testimony

Margot was a Ringel cousin from Berlin whose family fled east when ours went west—a big mistake. Following September 1939, she endured ghetto life, Gestapo encounters, clandestine involvements, imprisonment and forced labor, concealment in bunkers, and more. But for fortune, this might have been our mother's life.

Margot was age 76 at the time of the interview in Antwerp in 1998. Yet her memories of names, places, and events are remarkably crisp. Her attitude is matter of fact.

Our Interview summaries are the first detailed versions of Margot's account published in English : Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Image processing

Ringel photo animations

Deep Nostalgia photo animations of my grandparents Hermann and Elly Ringel.
Vintage photos come to life

Product Direction

FHM's vision of an integrated storytelling platform

Family History Machine aims to provide a modular system of storytelling functionality. Our beta site is online with a first iteration of this vision. View an explanatory graphic about current and future FHM modalities.

Another Time, Another Place

Love conquers all as Gerhard marries Ilse

Two young Berliners make a modern marriage—with lasting consequences. It was 1932, months before Hitler rose to power.
Chinese cuisine was a fad in 1930s Berlin