oral history

Selected Image Date Publication Author(s) Citation title Comments
June 7, 2001 American Institute of Physics Oral Histories Interviewed by W. Patrick McCray Richard Garwin Oral History

Covers Garwin's recollections of the parity violation experiments, including his role directing Wu to NBS and the circumstances of his and Lederman's K-meson experiment.

May 23, 2003 American Institute of Physics Oral History Archive Interviewed by: John Rigden AIP Oral History: Robert Pound—Session II
2013 Oral History Project Interviewed by Sara Lippincott Oral History: Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929)

Gell-Mann discusses the role that challenges to the RR experiment played in the priority dispute over first publication of the universal V–A theory.

2013 Oral History Project Interviewed by Sara Lippincott Oral History: Murray Gell-Mann (b. 1929)

Gell-Mann discusses the role that challenges to the RR experiment played in the priority dispute over first publication of the universal V–A theory.

May 12, 2020 American Institute of Physics Oral History Archive Interviewed by: David Zierler Allan Franklin Oral History

Focus on Franklin’s early career and highlights of his later writings. Includes anecdotes about his undergraduate experience working with Gene Commins on RR-related experiment. There is one great quote but not enough depth about experimental error.