
Selected Image Date Publication Author(s) Citation title Comments
Physics Today Lyle B. Borst The Brookhaven nuclear reactor
March 1, 1947 New York Times William L. Laurence Atomic Laboratory on Long Island To Be a Mighty Research Center; ATOM LABORATORY A RESEARCH CENTER
June 22, 1947 New York Times Benjamin Fine Laboratories for the Atomic Age
1985 Biographical Memoirs Maurice Goldhaber and Gerald F. Tape Leland John Haworth, 1904-1979

Goldhaber's memorial article about the former Brookhaven director

1999 Robert P. Crease Making Physics: A Biography of Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1946-1972

The author appears to be confused about Wu's comments at Rochester. She described her own unpublished helicity work, not new work by Rustad-Ruby. The Goldhaber anecdote leads in to a description of his neutrino helicity experiment, performed in November 1957, which further discredited the RR experiment.

2003 Robert A. McCoughey Stand Columbia

The history of the flowering of the Columbia Physics Department under I. I. Rabi is recounted in Chapter 13.