The sweep of family history across the generations
It was a signature moment of the turbulent 1960s. Walter, 18, and Dan, 15, were there in Chicago, working as messengers for the Eugene McCarthy campaign.
Stan strung transmission wires in the South Pacific during World War II.
From civil rights to war resistance to arms control, Ruby family members embraced liberal social causes
Mel accomplished many things in life, but his life’s greatest moments happened during the Battle of the Bulge
Herman Ringel and Walter Ruby wore opposing uniforms in the Great War
Today it is Rezekne in Latvia. In the 19th century, it was the village in Vitebsk Province where our Tulbowitz clan lived in the old Yiddish way
Our best documented family line is Feige Kaufler's ancestry among the Jewish families of Krakow.
Stanley Ruby entered the public debate over nuclear missile technology in 1968-69.
Joseph and Lena Rabinowitz were Russian immigrants who ran a corner grocery in Jewish Harlem. Their nine children were native Americans
Joseph Rabinowitz’s mother was Bertha Yesersky. Was she related to Sora Yesersky, the wife of Rabbi Elchanon Spektor?
In a dramatic moment while crossing the Mississippi River, he broke with his parents' austere Lutheranism for a more ecumenical approach