First date at a Chinese restaurant

Tai Tung China Original Restaurant in Berlin

First date at a Chinese restaurant

Ilse and Gerhard found they could talk and talk, endlessly discussing even sensitive subjects like politics and religion.

Ilse had actually plowed through the whole of Mein Kampf, and the young people shared their worries that its author could rise to political power. Ilse was always very politically aware, as also was her mother. 

Over that first meal, they talked at their table until they were the only diners left in the restaurant. About religion, Gerhard spoke of his Jewish heritage, which was at most a cultural affiliation for him. They talked about Annie Lewi and the intermarriage of her parents, 

Despite their differences, there was clearly an attraction between Gerhard and Ilse. He then proceeded to woo her further, taking her sailing on the lake at Wannsee, near Pottsdam.