Looking for Hermann's shul

Looking for Hermann's shul

Joanne is in Berlin, ailing from an infection she may have caught in Budapest. She is looking to visit the Berlin locations where our Ringel relatives lived their lives during the 1930s—namely the Ringel apartment at Schüterstrasse 12, the orthodox synagogue Hermann Ringel attended, the Weissensee cemetery where he is buried, possibly the school that Helga attended.

Today, she visited the address of the synagogue on Pestalozzistrasse, near to the apartment, which Helga had mentioned in her interview for Walter's Ruby Family Narratives. However, all she finds is a plaque on the wall and a cluster of memorial Stolpersteine in the street.

The synagogue is marked but not here now to see.  Do we think Herman came to this shul? I have not had time to find out if these stone markers are here because they were members of this shul or if this was later a large apartment building.  The dates of deportation vary.  Chilling.  We later saw other gold stones.  Need to read more about it.