Reflections on living relatives of blog subjects

Reflections on living relatives of blog subjects

I waited for a few days after making discoveries about the Liebman/Clerc family to begin posting my information to this site. As a result of previous interactions with family members of people I have written about on this blog, I have become more sensitive to privacy considerations of living relatives of my blog subjects.

I want to make it clear that at this point I have not had any personal interaction with Gerald Clerc or any other living Liebman grand- or great-grandchildren. But they are certainly out there and they will sooner or later stumble on what I've written here. Arnaud's wife is quite likely still living. Some of my information may be new and surprising to them. Some of it they might prefer I had left under the rug.

On reflection, I decided to publish the information. Hilda Liebman was our close blood relative, and her story deserves to be told. Arnaud Clerc led a very public life and left behind a colorful trail of documents. To take the time to assemble those documents, and to fill in the outlines of his life story, seems like a worthwhile enterprise, even at the possible risk of some discomfort among his living relatives.

My email address is in the sidebar. Let me know if you would like to share more information or correct anything I have written.