Ringel family birth records from Rzeszow

Ringel family birth records from Rzeszow

Rzeszow 1835,41-1866 Births
Lwow Wojewodztwa / Rzeszow Province
Located at 50°03’ 22°00’

Surname Givenname Year Type Akt Page Sex Father Mother Mothersurn Date Witness House Town Died Comments
RINGEL Jermias 1845 B 2 22 Hirsch Beile unknown illegible
RINGEL Golde 1849 B 18 40 Hirsch Beile unknown 2
RINGEL Schija 1856 B 9 80 Mos. Rose blank 299
RINGEL Juda 1859 B 10 105 M Moses Rose Lea REICHMAN 16-Feb-1859 299
RINGEL Hirsch Löb 1860 B 11 119 Abraham Witte KLEPEL 48
RINGEL Jakob Schia 1861 B 5 140 Moses Lea REICHMAN 299
RINGEL Reisel 1864 B 2 193 Hersch Rose REICHMAN 441
RINGEL Basze Sure 1866-1876 B 383 1870 55 F Moses RINGEL Roise REICHMAN

I know it is hard to read because the columns don't align, but of the various Ringels here, Hermann Ringel's father Schija is shown in this index of the LDS microfilm records to have been born in 1856. His parents were Moses Ringel and Rose Lea Ringel (nee Reichman) and he had siblings Juda, Jakob, Reisel and Basze Sure.

Actually, there is a mystery here in that Reisel Ringel appears to have the same mother but different father from the other three. First I thought Moses might have died and she remarried before having her third child, but then Moses is back as the father of the fourth child. Something to figure out.

I learned that I can obtain copies of these and any LDS records where we have the index listings by visiting an LDS family history center, such as the one nearby here in the Oakland hills. I have meant to visit there for some time, but now I have a concrete reason to go.