D. D. Hoppes

Citation types
Selected Image Date Publication Author(s) Citation title Comments
* June 15, 1957 Physical Review E. AMBLER, R. W. HAYWARD, D. D. HOPPE, R. P. HUDSON, AND C. S. WU Further Experiments on β Decay of Polarized Nuclei

These results were reported at the New York Meeting of the American Physical Society of February 2, 1957 (C. S. Wu, post-deadline paper).
Positive R-R citation

Selected Image Date Publication Author Citation title Comments
* February 15, 1957 Physical Review Chien-Shiung Wu, E. Ambler Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay

Wu’s famous experiment that confirmed the Lee-Yang suggestion that left-right symmetry is not conserved in weak interactions. Another concurrently published experiment by Garwin and Lederman confirmed the theory in meson decays.

* February 15, 1957 Physical Review Chien-Shiung Wu, E. Ambler Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay

Wu’s famous experiment that confirmed the Lee-Yang suggestion that left-right symmetry is not conserved in weak interactions. Another concurrently published experiment by Garwin and Lederman confirmed the theory in meson decays.