Emil and Helene Paechter came to New York

Emil and Helene Paechter came to New York

Just a short note to close the loop on Henry Pachter's parents, and open one about his sister. You may remember we opened this recent Paechter inquiry with a news report about the Berlin book printer Emil Paechter who got swept up in the May Day crackdown in 1929. 

Emil and his wife Helene Streisand Paechter escaped Nazi Germany. I don't know the story and have no record of their migration to the United States. But they both reached New York and very likely lived together with Henry, Hedwig and Renee.

Emil is recorded as living with the family in the 1950 U.S. Census. Helene had died in New York in 1949. They could have had their own apartment, after which Emil moved in with the family, or they were all there together throughout the 1940s. Little Renee would have grown up with her grandparents in the house. 

The following year, on March 30, Emil sailed on the Queen Mary to join his other child, Hilde Irma Paechter Blank, in London, where she had been since 1940. 

Unfortunately, Emil lived just three months after his arrival in England. He died July 5 in Barnet, near London, and was buried in East Ham Cemetery.

I'll come back next with what I know about Hilde.