Rosa further distances herself in Babelsberg

Rosa further distances herself in Babelsberg

And what of Rosa, Gerhard's mother and Susie's paternal grandmother, who along with Susie also remained in Germany until March 1939?

Rosa had had to leave the apartment in Steglitz, certainly by 1937 when Gerhard sold the business. First she had moved to the house in Schweinfurtstrasse 62, Berlin-Dahlem, specifically to get out to the way of the ever increasing Nazi activity in the business areas of the city, where brutal thugs and bullyboys were operating. 

But even Dahlem was still uncomfortably close. She now moved, seeking refuge in Babelsberg, a suburb of the elegant town of Potsdanm, on the southwestern outskirts of Berlin, trying to put yet more distance between herself and the centres of brutal activity of the Nazis. 

She moved into one half of a property, which the owners had very kindly cleared for her use, at Ludwigtroos STrasse 26, a low building between two tall houses. 

This was to be her final address in Germany. No trace of the street now eists. Indeed no records of it can be found. It is as it it had never been.