When Stan tweaked the elephant's leg: Book chapter about "the Argonne scientists"

Nuclear experts spoke out about the dangers of ABM missile systems

We felt like a mouse crowling up an elephant's leg with thoughts of assaulting the elephant. Well, maybe we didn't succeed in that, but we made the elephant twitch a little.

- Dr. Stanley Ruby, physicist at Argonne National Laboratory and president of the Chicago Chapter of the Federation of American Scientists

Schifra Tulbowitz

With her husband Scholom Aron Tulbowitz, Schifra (known as Sophie) migrated thousands of miles from Rezshita in Vitebsk Province to the Russian region of Rostov-on-Don. Twenty years later, she migrated a second time, to even more distant Albany, New York.

Irv Kupcinet Show coffee mug

This item from my family knickknack shelf is the coffee mug that Stan received when he appeared as a scientific expert about antiballistic missiles on the Irv Kupcinet Show in 1969 or '70. I will see if I can look it up. 

I remember the television appearance quite well. I was proud that my father was using his technical expertise in a way that impacted the political discussion at the time.