Police bust up McCarthy headquarters and Walter has an epiphany

I remember feeling a great sense of relief and triumph, almost giddiness, as the two of us drove the VW back to the Hilton in the afternoon sun. It felt like we'd done something of almost cosmic significance. We parked in the garage and took the elevator back to the McCarthy suite, anticipating how we would be praised for our good work.  

Walter's eyes are opened by Mary Travers

Not to compare to smoking pot with Phil Ochs, but here is one more related musical moment. 

Right before the convention, I managed to get backstage at a Peter, Paul and Mary concert at a prestigious music space in the Loop, and I witnessed Mary Travers angrily cursing somebody out, I can’t remember who. As in “You fucking idiot….," which was definitely very different from her image.

I can still remember the three of them on stage earnestly performing their song written especially for the McCarthy campaign, which included the lines:

Dan burns one with Phil Ochs

Nice memory, Walt. I also have a musical memory from that pre-convention period. 

A year earlier, as a counselor-in-training at a Jewish summer camp in Wisconsin (the first and only organized Jewish activity that our parents ever involved me in), I had fallen in with a folksinging crowd, and we young teenagers all much admired the political troubadour Phil Ochs. Several of us had guitars in camp, and Phil Ochs was what we were playing. More so than Dylan.

Before the convention, Walter staged a benefit concert with the Cryan' Shames

I also don’t remember exactly how Dan and I got the gig at McCarthy HQ during the Convention, though I agree that all of the factors Dan mentioned would have played a role. Also, if our main role was as campaign messengers, as Dan helpfully confirms, the fact that we were locals and had a car (our family VW) also was a key factor.