The sweep of family history across the generations
Stan's Mathematica notebooks document his later work and speculations
In July 2003, Stan and Helga came to the East Bay for a golden summer outing.
Five siblings who stayed true to German ideals until the bitter end
Ed loved crosswords, so Dan Ruby created a tribute puzzle for his memorial. Kate and Twyla were the clue crew.
Amid the chaos of the Nazi period, the Zionist school in Charlottenburg taught skills and values that lasted a lifetime
Remembering our Ringel and Wohlgemuth/Paechter family members who perished in the Shoah.
Stan's innovations in Mossbauer spectroscopy.
Watching Sputnik at night from our back yard in a suburb of Pittsburgh is one of my earliest memories.
How and why did Stan Ruby's important post-graduate research go wrong, and what impact did it have on his career in physics?
Stanley Ruby entered the public debate over nuclear missile technology in 1968-69.
Our family’s amazing year of discovery and connection
Cherry picking the best content from our founding document written in 2006: "The Ruby Family Histories — The Early Lives of Stanley and Helga Ruby"
Family stories may be sweeping or specific. They capture some essential aspect of the family's generational journey.