
Selected Image Date Publication Author(s) Citation title Comments
1960 M. Fierz and V. F. Weisskopf, editors Theoretical Physics in the Twentieth Century. A Memorial Volume to Wolfgang Pauli

Wu's chapter "The Neutrino," summarizing the history of classical recoil experiments, is cited here.

1985 Biographical Memoirs Maurice Goldhaber and Gerald F. Tape Leland John Haworth, 1904-1979

Goldhaber's memorial article about the former Brookhaven director

1989 Biographical Memoirs Herbert L. Anderson John Ray Dunning 1907-1975

Dunning was the driving force in Columbia's nuclear research program. Anderson recalls the events around the early nuclear fission and uranium enrichment projects at Columbia. A highlight is the full text of Dunning's letter to Alfred Nier requesting U235 sample for testing (important to us because this connection is what brought Rustad to Columbia).