Coherent nuclear scattering of synchrotron radiation

Authors(s):G. T. Trammell and J. P. Hannon Physics Department, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 S. L. Ruby and Paul Flinn Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois R. L. Mössbauer and F. Parak Physics Department, Technische Universität Mü Publication:Workshop on New Directions in Mössbauer Spectroscopy (Argonne 1977) Publication Date:1977 Publisher: Citation:AIP Conference Proceedings 38, 46 (1977) Link:

Synchrotron radiation from modern electron storage rings can furnish brighter sources of Mössbauer radiation than radioactive sources if appropriate filtering can be devised. The object is to pass the power in the synchrotron radiation which lies in the spectral range within a few natural widths of the nuclear resonance, with as little diminuition as possible, and to reduce that passed outside this range to a fraction of the filtered radiation.

We consider the methods which can be used to filter, and we make estimates of the efficiency of the various filter schemes.