Stand Columbia

Robert A. McCoughey
Publication Date
Columbia University Press
McCaughey, Robert A.. Stand, Columbia : a History of Columbia University in the City of New York, 1754-2004. United Kingdom, Columbia University Press, 2003.

The history of the flowering of the Columbia Physics Department under I. I. Rabi is recounted in Chapter 13.

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A gift of physics citations for Christmas 2021

Stan loved Christmas and he delighted in spoiling us kids. I guess it went back to his own father, but the Rubys always celebrated the joyous holiday, despite its Christian origin. 

But if he would say "Merry Christmas" sincerely in late December, on occasion he used the expression the rest of the year in a sarcastic manner, suggesting perhaps that anti-Semitism could be at play in some situation.

Madame Wu Chien-Shiung The First Lady of Physics Research

Chiang Tsai-Chien and Wong Tang-Fong, translator
Publication Date
World Scientific
Jiang, C. and Tsai, C., 2014. Madame Wu Chien-Shiung. 2nd ed. World Scientific.

Originally published in Chinese in 1996. Stan Ruby was interviewed and is cited as a source. Wu's involvement in the Rustad-Ruby affair is documented.


Narrating the well-lived life of the "Chinese Madame Curie" -- a recipient of the first Wolf Prize in Physics (1978), the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from Princeton University, as well as the first female president of the American Physical Society -- this book provides a comprehensive and honest account of the life of Dr Wu Chien-Shiung, an outstanding and leading experimental physicist of the 20th century.


In the early 1950s, two of Wu's students, S. Ruby and B. Rustad, performed an experiment to investigate the beta decay in the transition from radioactive helium (He-6) to lithium (Li-6).

Wu held discussions with the students during the experimental process. The students published a short article in Physical Review Letters in 1952, followed by a long article in the Physical Review in 1955. They determined that the Fermi theory had a scalar (S) transition matrix, and the Gamow-Teller theory had a tensor (T) transition matrix.

As their experiment had Wu's endorsement, and she had a long record of precision, the Ruby-Rustad papers initially carried a lot of credibility. Later experiments, however, showed conflicting results.

Richard Feynman, M. Gell-Mannn (who won the Nobel Prize for a proposal of "quarks" and their interactions), R. Marshak and his student E. Sudarshan, and another physicist, J. Sakurai, all argued that the transition matrices in begta decay were vector (V) and axial vector (A). Before this was settled, some said that Marshak must be mad. How could the He-6 experiment be wrong?

Not long afterward, Maurice Goldhaber and two collaborators did an elegant experiment and proved that the V-A theory was correct. That settled the dispute.

Wu was very unhappy about the mistake made in the experiment of Ruby and Rustad. Ruby discussed the experiment in the Plaza Hotel (a landmark in New York City where Chiang Ching=Kuo, then Vice-Premier and later President of Taiwan, was shot while visiting the US) in January 1990, and regretted that he was so careless. He did not finish his Ph.D. degree, worked for IBM for some time, and resumed research work at Stanford University. Rustad died in the early 1960s.

The incident bothered Wu, She later built a larger experimental setup at Columbia, and did a similar experiment with He-6/ She and her collaborator Arthur Schwarzchild wrote a paper in 1958 pointing out the factors causing the mistake in the earlier experiment.

This bad mark did not change very much the position of authority in the field of beta decay that Wu enjoyed. Her reputation as the most precise experimentalist was intact. The saying in the physics circle was: “If the experiment was done by Wu, it must be correct.” [H. Schopper]

Wu believed in total devotion to research. She practiced this belief and expected the same of her students. She could not understand how a research could be distracted. She demanded perfection from her students. The most precise measurement, and accurate calculation in every step of every experiment. She asked her students to work all day on weekdays, Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays. She did not shy away from expressing her disappointment when her students failed to meet her demands.
In the 20th century, research in science had become much more competitive for funding support and recognition. As such, it was a far cry from the earlier cooperative atmosphere. People who knew her well believed that she was highly competitive by nature, and she felt that she had to double her effort in order to succeed, given what she had gone through in a rather oppressive environment.
Wu’s students recalled that she was the undisputed authority in the laboratory, and that she would never hesitate at all to correct any mistake that students had made. She preferred to lead a team of students, rather than collaborating with other scientists. She had very good insight, and always selected the most difficult—and the most fundamental—problems to attack.[Boehm] Students would argue with her about physics problems, but her opinions always turned out to be right. The students later found out that her opinions and understanding were results of years of experience. They very much admired her insight into physics [Koller].
As her experimental work faced increasing competition, Wu told her students not to show their data to visitors until it was published because it might be stolen. When guests pried, she switched to a particularly convoluted form of Chinese-English
Wu was fundamentally a serious and reserved person, not that open and straightforward. In a way, she was a rather private person [Koller, Boehm].
One of her students remembered her rather defensive personality. There was a famous European scientist visiting Columbia. His English was not that Fluent, and he would occasionally ask students for the right word during his lecture. By contrast, Wu could never be comfortable without having prepared perfect lecture notes in advance [Ruby].
Sometimes, Wu would become really angry at the students. She would never yell at them, but would quietly go into her office, not talking to the students. Around that time, students considered installing a light beam detector at a certain height to monitor her mood [Koller]
Wu was nicknamed “Dragon Lady” in Columbia’s physics department in the early 1950s. “Dragon Lady” was the name given to a glamorous but dangerous Chinese beauty in a popular U.S. newspaper comic strip, Terry and the Pirates.
Wu’s signature qipao dress, her strong opinions, and her demands on the students naturally landed her with the nickname. Her students occasionally referred to her by this nickname behind her back, but did so with affection. Her students and contemporaries recalled that she was actually the most humane, generous and warm professor in the physics department. Most of the others were rather self-centered folks, with little concern for students. [Ruby, Koller]
Her manner was a reflection of her personality. She was basically a private person, and was rather reserved. Some felt that they did not know what her true intentions were. [collaborators Bohm and Ambler, students Koller and Ruby]
Wu also took care of and nurtured young students at Columbia University—quite different from the typical “self-centered” great physicists there. [Ruby.]
Wu’s concern that a child would add a certain distraction was not only for women. A male Ph.D. student in the 1950s got married and fathered a child. Wu was very surprised to see the student and the child together walking in the street. She found it unthinkable to have a child while still a graduate student [William Bennett]
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Mathematical-Physical Announcements
Publication Date
The Royal Danish Society of Sciences
Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 30, no. 20 (1956)

Danish beta decay experts review the likely coupling constants, citing RR as determining tensor coupling in GT transitions.


Recent experimental data on superallowed transitions are used in a rede­termination of the decay coupling constants. It is suggested that the β-decay interaction may contain an admixture of vector coupling besides the usually adopted scalar and tensor interactions.


The improved accuracy in the experimental data on super­allowed β-transitions as well as the determination of several new ft-values for superallowed 0 —> 0 transitions permit a higher accuracy in the determination of the coupling constants in β-decay. We shall follow the same procedure as applied earlier. In the first section, we assume that no cross terms are present, which, according to recent recoil investigations, means that the β-interaction is a mixture of scalar and tensor coupling only. In the second part, we consider the evidence on the possible admixture of axial vector and, especially, vector interaction.

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Theory of Beta Decay: An Exposition and a History

S. B. Treiman and Lawrence M. Langer
Publication Date
December 16, 1966
Science, 16 Dec 1966, Vol 154, Issue 3755, p. 1432

The phenomenon of nucleear beta decay reflects the workings of interactions which are very weak on the cale of those forces which determine the structure of the nucleus itself. Precisely for this reason beta decay provides an admirable probe for the study of nuclear structure. On the other hand, for those whose interest lies with the weak interactions in themselves, nuclei are admirable objects only insofar as they undergo beta disintegration. A generation ago, weak-interaction physics was coextensive with nuclear beta-decay physics; today the subject ranges over a much wider domain.


The Theory of Beta Radioactivity. E. J. Konopinski. Oxford University Press, New York, 1966. 413 pp., illus. $12.; Beta Decay. C. S. Wu and S. A. Moszkowski. Interscience (Wiley), New York, 1966. 410 pp., illus. $16.

The entire book, from the first chapter's historical introduction to the detailed mathematical exercises in the appendices, radiates a warmth and excitement that are not very often found in such a technical and specialized volume.

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The Rise and Fall of Emil Konopinski's Theory of Beta Decay

Allan Franklin
Scientific Values and Civic Virtues
Publication Date
July 2005
Oxford Scholarship Online
Franklin, Allan. (2005). The Rise and Fall of Emil Konopinski's Theory of β Decay. Scientific Values and Civic Virtues. 10.1093/0195172256.003.0009.

Franklin's study of the K-U modification of the Fermi theory, and its eventual reversal—a theoretical error that preceded the RR experimental error in the history of beta decay research. 


In 1934, Enrico Fermi proposed a theory of beta decay. Although it was supported by existing experimental evidence, a more detailed examination revealed discrepancies. Emil Konopinski and George Uhlenbeck proposed an alternative theory that better fit the results and was accepted by the physics community. It was later realized that both the experimental results and the experiment-theory comparison were incorrect. When both problems were corrected, in part by the work of Konopinski and Uhlenbeck themselves, Fermi’s theory was supported. As Konopinski publicly stated in a 1943 review article, “Thus, the evidence of the spectra, which has previously comprised the sole support for the K-U theory, now definitely fails to support it.

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The Theory of Beta Radioactivity

E. J. Konopinski
International Series of Monographs on Physics
Publication Date
Oxford University Press
Konopinski, E., 1966. The theory of beta radioactivity. Oxf.: Oxford University Press.
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The Measurement of Electron-Neutrino Angular Correlations [and Discussion]

B. W. Ridley, et al.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Publication Date
August 25, 1958
Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 246, no. 1247, The Royal Society, 1958, pp. 471–81

Previous speakers have already emphasized the importance of electron-neutrino angular correlations in identifying the basic interactions in β-decay. We have also seen that htere are some serious inconsistencies in the experimental situation. At the same time I should like to say that I can see no strong reason to reject any of these results. In this talk I propose to describe some of the difficulties one encounters in this kind of work and to illustrate these with a dscription of the experiment on Ne23.


A. Salam: So you would be inclined to discount the He6 experiments if you had to choose?

B. W. Ridley: This is rather difficult, because there are always some questions which are left unanswered in any experimental paper, and one can sometimes pick holes in the experiment, but I would not like to do so without the people concerned being here to reply,

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Theoretical Physics in the Twentieth Century. A Memorial Volume to Wolfgang Pauli

M. Fierz and V. F. Weisskopf, editors
Jan 01, 1960
Publication Date
Interscience Publishers
Theoretical physics in the twentieth century: A memorial volume to Wolfgang Pauli. Fierz, M. & Weisskopf, V. F. Interscience Publishers, New York-London, 1960.

Wu's chapter "The Neutrino," summarizing the history of classical recoil experiments, is cited here.


This volume is a beautiful memorial to Wolfgang Pauli and a reminder of the fragility of human fate. As the editors relate, several years ago a volume was planned to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of Pauli; the aim was to summarize the progress in those topics of physics which were near to Pauli's heart, and to discuss Pauli's influence on the development of physics during the 1930's. However, what started as a celebration turned into a memorial with Pauli's untimely death. This change in the course of events makes it understandable that the only contributions which deal with Pauli himself are a brief preface by Niels Bohr and a bibliography of Pauli's papers by C. P. Ens, since no epitaph can be written for a living person. — Nandor L. Balazs, Princeton University


"Man soil keine Irrlehren verbreiten" was one of Pauli's favorite remarks and most contributions were written in this spirit. R. Kronig, W. Heisenberg. and B. L. van der Waerden deal with the early history of quantum mechanics and the exclusion principle. The articles which deal with physics itself fall in several classes. G. Wentzel gives an account of quantum field theories until 1947; the elimination of divergences from quantum field theory is discussed by F. Villars; R. Jost's article is a magnificent exposition of the relation between the exclusion principle and the Lorentz group; the theoretical and experimental developments concerning the neutrino and the nonconservation of parity is the object of C. S. Wu's note; L. Landau contributes a terse discussion on the fundamental problems one encounters in field theories with strong interactions. (There is a remark by Landau on page 246 which could reflect not only his but Pauli's attitude as well: "The brevity of life does not allow us the luxury of spending time on problems which lead to no new results.") H. B. G. Casimir and R. E. Peierls each contribute on solid-state physics. V. Bargmann describes Pauli's work in relativity, omitting, however, one of Pauli's basic contributions to unified field theories, to wit, his brief remark: "What God hath put asunder no man shall join."

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The book

Lee Grodzins
Physics Today
Publication Date
August 1967
American Institute of Physics
Physics Today 20, 8, 60 (1967)

Brookhaven/MIT physicist Grodzins reviews the classic 1966 work by Wu and Moszkowski,


Beta Decay, by C. S. Wu and S. A. Moszkowski, is an excellent book, a refreshing book, highly recommended. Until it was written, a comprehensive knowledge of beta decay could be obtained only by studying many articles written by as many authors using a variety of notations. Now we have the coherent story written without pedantry, mixing experimental fact and theory in just proportion.


Fermi formulated the point-interaction theory of beta decay in 1934. For the next two decades, physicists uncovered the rich phenomena manifest when a neutron or proton was transformed by emitting an electron or positron. Lifetimes and spectra were measured; the classification of decay orders was completed; experiments were carried out on the interaction form and strength.

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