Ze'ev and Penina Sharon of Kibbutz Afeq

Discovery Notebook

I thought I would repost this account of my visit to Kibbutz Afeq in August 2006, while…

These images of Pnina, Ze'ev, Raya and Amiram (who is pictured showing me the remains of a…

Memories of Ze’ev and P’nina (Part One)

I have been delaying starting this series of…

More sad news from the Sharon family. Penina took ill following her husband's funeral and shiva…

I apologize to everyone for being a few days behind in my writing about Ze'ev; I am presently in…

Shalom, It is Danny here adding my deep sympathies for all of Ze'ev's wonderful family. I regret…

Dear Dalit, Tal, Ahikam, Gali ve kol hanechedim,

Ha leve sheli eetchem be rega atzuv…

Dear Penina and all the family,

I have been thinking of how you and Ze'ev have been…

Ze'ev Sharon, a pioneer of Israel and first cousin of Helga Ruby, passed away July 2, 2009 at…

