Annual APS-AAPT Meeting

ATTENDANCE reached what is apparently an all•time high for gatherings of physicists at the 1958 annual meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, held jointly in New York City at the end of January. A total of 3314 persons registered for the meeting at the Hotel New Yorker, although the program itself was no more extensive than at last year's joint meeting. The morning and afternoon schedules of the Physical Society generally involved the usual five parallel sessions each of contributed papers in addition to sessions designed to accommodate invited papers. The AAPT program was responsible for additional sessions. In all, some 400 contributed papers and 40 or so invited papers were presented. Also included were the joint ceremonial session of the two societies, the joint banquet, and the annual business meetings. Although the sessions were generally well attended, the New Yorker's lobby and mezzanine remained crowded with physicists during the entire course of the meeting.